
Lifelong friends Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher, two comedians famous for pranking local news stations on live television as the fake stuntman duo “Chop & Steele,” find themselves in federal court with a vengeful media conglomerate after their latest morning show stunt goes viral.

Join the Found Footage Fest boys as they tangle and tumble to save the safety of satirical humor, and experience an intimate and eye-opening portrait of Nick and Joe as one prank turns their lives totally upside down, and cements them as true legends of their craft.

“Hysterically funny.” – Film Week

“Joyful Chaos. A wild, hilarious ride.” – The Film Stage

This is the first pressing of 50 copies, all pressed on classic black videocassettes and housed in large black clamshell cases. 

Only 1 left in stock

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