Armchair Fiction presents extra large editions of classic science fiction double novels. The first novel “Transient” was written by Ward Moore, a versatile writer and one of the better sci-fi authors of the 1950s. This is one of the most unusual novels you will find in the entire Armchair Fiction Collection. It is an insightful, often dark, fantasy laced with chimerical imagery and morbid imagination. A man of political clout with a reputation to uphold finds himself in an obscure landscape full of confusion and distorted reality. Within these pages is an account of one man’s truly weird and grim existence. Rape, suicide, fantasy, delusional thinking, twisted and sickening romance…all this goes together in a penetrating but disturbingly uncomfortable narrative of one man’s off centered thinking. The second novel deals with a sudden break in the stream of time, titled “The World-Mover” by George O. Smith. Les Ackerman was in his lab experimenting with a new element. Suddenly there was the blinding flash of a nuclear explosion that blew nearly everything around him—seemingly—sky-high! But while some things appeared to have been completely destroyed, others seemed perfectly intact—including Les Ackerman himself! However, Ackerman discovered quickly that something was terribly wrong. While he could see and hear everything around him, he could only physically touch a limited number of things. His arms and hands waved wildly through walls and doors as though he was a phantom entity. And unfortunately for Les, no one could see or hear him—or so it seemed for a while. For Ackerman would soon find himself sought-after by the denizens of three possible worlds, all contending that only he could correct the incredible situation that faced mankind. The only problem was that Les Ackerman didn’t know what he’d done!